Terms & Conditions


Every reference in this agreement to the Holiday Maker, includes every person who the holiday maker allows to come onto the Property during the letting period. The Holiday Maker is personally responsible for every such person.

The Owner (Alison Groschl) lets the Property and the Holiday Maker takes the Property to occupy for a holiday for the rent, on the terms set out in this agreement.

It is recommended that you take out holiday insurance to cover all unforeseen eventualities – Please read our cancellation policy below.

The terms and conditions of the tenancy are:

 The Property is: the holiday home known as The Lakeside Retreat at Tallington

The “Property” includes:

  • the furniture, fixtures, fittings and any consumables
  • the use of any rights of access, path, drive, garden, any common parts and any other things reasonably necessary for the enjoyment of the property and which the Owner can grant.

Maximum occupancy is restricted to the guests referred to on the reservation request form, with no additional overnight guests allowable. Breach of this condition leads to the instant removal of the Holiday Maker and all other occupants with no refund due.

The Good Housekeeping Bond

  • The Holiday Maker will pay a good housekeeping bond of £100 to the Owner before the start of the letting, against the cost to the Owner of any breach of this agreement.
  • The Owner will return the good housekeeping bond to the Holiday Maker after deduction of any money due to the Owner, within 5 days of the end of the holiday.

Holiday Makers promises

In this paragraph, a promise by the Holiday Maker includes all guests. The Holiday Maker promises that they will:

  • UPON ARRIVAL report to the owner any broken or damaged items or disrepair including marks on walls and soft furnishings. Failure to do so may result in a charge being taken from the good housekeeping bond as the conclusion will be that the damage or disrepair occurred during the Holiday Maker’s stay. 
  • use the heating and air conditioning in a conservative and environmentally aware manner by keeping windows and doors shut when in use; and the hot tub lid replaced when not in use;
  • allow the Owner, his agent or contractors access to the Property at reasonable hours during the day, or to carry out urgent and unforeseen repairs or other works to the Property or to carry out maintenance of the appliances. Just like at home, things can go wrong and there may be a delay in making them right. For example, one shower may stop working, but as there is a second shower, no refunds will be given. There are many means to heat food, so the same applies. The Owner will normally give at least 24 hours notice but the Holiday Maker will give immediate access in an emergency;
  • fasten all locks to all doors and windows to prevent unauthorised access to the Property when unattended;
  • clean and keep free from blockages and obstructions all baths, sinks, lavatories, cisterns, drains, gutters, pipes, and the like;
  • not dispose of “wet wipes”, disposable nappies or other items of personal hygiene down the lavatory – please note that not adhering to this does cause a major problem for Tallington and the deposit will be subject to any costs incurred.
  • keep clean the carpets, flooring, and all other items including all crockery, cutlery and pans used during the stay. Cleaning materials and a vacuum cleaner are provided. Please leave the lodge in a clean and tidy state. No food left in fridge or freezer. 
  • pay for any necessary repairs or replacement goods damaged during the letting period;
  • use the Property only as a holiday home for no more people than the maximum occupancy stated above and will not operate a business at the property or use it for any improper, immoral or illegal purpose;
  • not assign, sublet, charge or part with or share possession or occupation of all or part of the Property;
  • not cause nuisance or annoyance to the Owner, other Holiday Makers or any neighbour. Note that the retreat is in a quiet residential area, therefore holidaymakers are requested to behave in a respectful manner, in particular the hot tub should not be used in the evenings apart from quiet contemplation. 
  • not change or remove any of the Owner's furniture, fixtures and fittings or remove items that are supplied as consumables for all future guests to enjoy
  • not change or install any locks on any doors or windows nor have additional keys made for any locks.
  • not smoke or vape in or on the property, no candles. 
  • not use the electricity supply for electric vehicles
  • not use any barbecue other than disposable, and then only in the designated space


  • If it has been agreed that dogs will be allowed for the duration of the holiday:
  • All faeces will be bagged up promptly and dropped in the appropriate bin outside the property
  • If they go on furniture / beds your own protective throws and bedding must be provided and used as if there is an excess of dog hair in the property after vacating this will incur an additional cleaning charge of £20 to be deducted from the good house keeping bond.
  • Dogs may be left unattended ONLY BY PRIOR AGREEMENT  - crates are available to use. 
  • Dogs are not allowed to swim in the lake and must be kept on a lead when outside the property grounds
  • Please do not let your dog bark excessively or continuously 
  • A bird scarer is located nearby for the farmer to protect crops. This may go off in Jan/Feb, and can be very loud when it does. If you choose to leave early because of this, no refunds will be given. 


  • The hot tub is set at a maximum of 38 degrees as per health and safety guidelines.
  • There is a list of hot tub rules by the tub - please read and follow.
  • It is recommended that no children under the age of 16 use the hot tub
  • A responsible adult must supervise the hot tub patio when there are children present
  • The lead booker is fully responsible for the correct usage of the hot tub
  • The owner will get in touch to do regular checks of the chemical levels
  • If the water becomes cloudy, dirty or foamy this will be a result of wearing swimsuits that have been washed in detergent, or contamination of the water via bodily fluids or fake tan. The owner may take action to restore the water clarity but there will be a charge of £50 to be paid for in advance of the work being carried out. 

 Owner’s promises - The Owner promises that she will:

  • comply with all of her statutory obligations;
  • Provide basic provisions such as toilet roll, soap, washing up liquid
  • pay all the costs of ownership in relation to the Property including the cost of all services now installed at the Property and used by the Holiday Maker during the holiday;
  • (provided the Holiday Maker performs the obligations set out in this agreement) not interrupt or interfere with the Holiday Maker’s right to quiet possession and enjoyment of the Property.


  • The Owner will maintain whatever insurances he wishes against any risk relating to The Lakeside Retreat at Tallington. She will not insure anything owned by the Holiday Maker.
  • The Holiday Maker will not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything that could adversely affect the Owner's insurance of the Property.
  • If the Holiday Maker does anything that prejudices the Owner’s insurance, he will be liable to the Owner for any resulting loss.

Holiday Maker’s departure

At the end of the tenancy the Holiday Maker will:

  • immediately return all the keys of the Property to the Owner or comply with such arrangements for the return of the keys as the Owner reasonably suggests before the commencement of the tenancy;
  • remove all personal effects and rubbish and leave the Property and the Owner's fixtures and fittings in the same clean condition and state of repair as at the start of the tenancy, fair wear and tear excepted. Note that rubbish should be placed in one of the many onsite bins and please recycle whatever you can
  • Remove all used bedding and place in bath along with tea towels

Inventory check and return of good housekeeping bond

  • Before arrival, the owner does a final check and a video to record the set up and cleanliness of the lodge.
  • At the end of the tenancy the Owner will check the inventory room by room. Any damage will be evidenced by photos.
  • If the Owner is not satisfied as to the condition of a room or anything in it, the Owner may propose a deduction of a sum from the good housekeeping bond, in order to put the matter right. The Owner must provide a written breakdown of any deduction proposed.
  • If the Holiday Maker does not agree to the sum claimed, the Owner will obtain a written quotation for the cost of rectification from a contractor not connected to her.
  • The Owner may then accept the quotation and pay for the work. She must then provide copies of the quotation and the subsequent invoice to the Holiday Maker. She may then deduct the sum paid from the good housekeeping bond.
  • The good housekeeping bond (or part of) shall be returned to the Holiday Maker within 10 days of the Holiday Maker vacating the Property or, in special circumstances, as soon as possible, with the reasons for the delay provided in writing to the Holiday Maker.


In the unfortunate event of you requesting to cancel or amend your holiday:

If your cancellation is requested after you have paid your balance & good housekeeping bond,  your bond will be refunded but any further refund will be at our sole discretion, and will depend on whether your dates have been filled by another booking and may be subject to any discount given to secure that booking. 
If your cancellation is requested before you have paid your balance, your deposit will normally be lost or you may transfer it to a future booking within 12 months, subject to availability.

Amendments are subject to our discretion and there will be an admin fee of £30 to cover the changes required over multiple platforms. 

EARLY DEPARTURE- Please note that no refunds are given if you decide to go home early unless we are at fault.

To avoid awkward conversations, you are required to inform us UPON ARRIVAL of any defect or disappointment with the lodge.

If there is a power cut, this is beyond our control and no refunds will be given should you decide to leave early. 

It is recommended that you take out holiday insurance to cover all unforeseen eventualities.

That’s all the terms and conditions dealt with!

Please note that payment of the deposit acts as your agreement to the above.

You will receive details of with regards to arrival and departure shortly before your stay.

I recommend that you have a look at the excellent Tallington Lakes website (link below) beforehand, should you like to book onto some activities. Please note that water activities, and the outdoor pool, are seasonal and it is advised that you check beforehand to avoid disappointment. The Lakeside Retreat is a business independent of Tallington Lakes site. 

Click here for website
